Fundamentals of Project Management

Fundamentals of Project Management

fundamentals of project management
  • Starting date 06 December 2022
  • Duration 16 hours
  • Location Maison du Savoir
    2, avenue de l'Université
    L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette
  • Language Anglais
  • Price (excluding VAT) 650.00 

Training Context

In this training, participants will gain a clear understanding of project management, methods and tools used to manage any type of project. The course will provide an in-depth overview of project management methodology using advanced techniques and practical skills to initiate, plan, track, control and close any type or size of project.

Training objectives are to give insight and support on Key Project Management concepts and terms, Organisational Management of a project and Project Management tools expected to be used during the lifecycle of a project.

The five project phases will be reviewed together with some of the knowledge areas that contain the processes that must be accomplished within its discipline to achieve effective project management.


At the end of this training, participants should be able to:

  1. Identify the constraints of a project;
  2. Explain the different phases of a project from conception to closure;
  3. Define the scope of the project;
  4. Describe how to make a project plan and initiate a Gantt chart;
  5. Identify risks and develop a mitigation plan.

Training Content

The training is organised over 2 days : 6 & 8 December 2022 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Chapter 1 – Project Management Framework

  • What is a Project?
  • Role of a Project Manager
  • Triple Project Constraints
  • Project Lifecycle (5 phases)
  • Lessons learned
  • Stage Gate Process

Chapter 2 – Project Integration Management

  • Project Charter
  • Integrated Change Control
  • Change Request

Chapter 3 – Project Scope Management

  • Project Breakdown Structure
  • Work Packages and their Statements of Work

Chapter 4 – Project Time Management

  • High-Level Planning vs Detailed Planning
  • Planning Process
  • Gantt Chart

Chapter 5 – Project Cost Management

  • Make versus Buy Study

Chapter 6 – Project Quality Management

  • Deliverable Acceptance Process
  • Qualitative Monitoring
  • Project Reporting Plan
  • Progress Status Report

Chapter 7 – Project Communication Management

  • Communication Channels
  • Communication Plan

Chapter 8 – Project Risk Management

  • Risk Identification
  • Risk Assessment
  • Mitigation and Contingency Plans
  • Issue vs. Risk Management
  • Escalation Process

Chapter 9 – Project Stakeholder Management

  • RACI Matrix
  • Stakeholders Influence and Interest

Chapter 10 – Conclusion


  • Dr. Sylvie Fromentin:
    • She is a strategic Projects Coordinator at the University of Luxembourg.
    • She has a strong industrial background, holds a PhD and has graduated in Program Management at ESSEC Business School.


For further information, please contact:

Pierre de La Celle 

ICT Manager | +352 26 15 92 43

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