Bachelor in Accounting and Taxation

Bachelor in Accounting and Taxation



  • Audience – The training is aimed at students of the BTS Gestionnaire comptable et fiscal organised by the École de Commerce et de Gestion (ECG), as well as students from other courses who wish to develop know-how and fundamental knowledge in all areas of accounting and taxation.
  • Conditions of Access – BTS Accounting and Tax Management or equivalent studies (60 ECTS) or 3 years of professional experience in the field. Selection by a Committee on the basis of an application file.
  • Deadlines :
    • For European candidates
      • 1st February – 19th June 2024
    • For non-European candidates and
      • 1st February – 30th April 2024

Registration is restricted to paperless mode.

Starting September 2024
Duration 2 Years
Place Maison du Savoir
Language French / English
PRICE* 200,00 € / semester

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This bachelor programme is the result of a collaboration between the University of Luxembourg Competence Centre, the University of Luxembourg and the Ecole de Commerce et de Gestion – School of Business and Management, Luxembourg (ECG). It consists of 4 semesters of study (from semester 3 to semester 6) and grants 120 ECTS.

  • Semester 4 courses (mobility) are organised abroad by a host university.
  • The bachelor’s degree ends with an internship in semester 6, giving the students the opportunity to discover the professional world, to put the acquired knowledge into practice and thus to develop professional skills.

Opportunities and benefits

Thanks to its job-based approach and its digital orientation, this bachelor’s degree offers privileged access to jobs related to public accounting and tax consulting in a dynamic market that is not experiencing a crisis. The profession of accountant has been identified as one of the six “golden jobs” to be targeted in the coming years.

It is also possible to pursue a master’s degree (Accounting and Audit; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Wealth Management).


  • Develop fundamental knowledge and skills in all areas of accounting and taxation in order to facilitate professional integration and career development
  • Develop new skills with regards to the rise of digital technology (dematerialisation of invoices, automation of recording processes, AI) in order to ensure long-term employability

At the end of your studies, you will be able to:

  • Keep a company’s accounts in compliance with legal and ethical provisions
  • Draw up summary accounting documents and present them, in a multilingual context
  • Prepare Luxembourg tax and social security returns
  • Advise clients on day-to-day legal issues
  • Apply the principles of auditing to simple, concrete cases
  • Use information technology to serve the company
  • Update your knowledge and know-how necessary for the proper exercise of your profession

This training programme is both professional and generalist, thus also enabling you to continue your studies with a master’s degree.

Success Stories 

Success Stories

Study programme

Dowload the programme

The subjects taught are grouped around 4 competency pillars:

  1. Accounting and auditing
  2. Taxation and remuneration
  3. Finance and strategy
  4. Communication and digitalisation.

These areas integrate the challenges of the digital transformation of these professions and place particular emphasis on future developments.

Semester 3 – University of Luxembourg

  • Axis 1: Accounting and Auditing
    • Module: Accounting Techniques and Standards
      • Course: Accounting Techniques and IFRS – LUX GAAP
    • Module: Company Law and Corporate Life
      • Courses: Luxembourg Company Law, Company Corporate Life
  • Axis 2: Taxation and Remuneration
    • Module: Taxation Techniques and Luxembourg Tax Law
      • Courses: Introduction to Luxembourg Tax Law, Indirect Taxation, Direct Taxation of Companies, Tax Regime of the Self-Employed, Taxation of Assets
  • Axis 3. Finance and Strategy
    • Module: Financial Analysis
      • Courses: Corporate reporting and capital budgeting, Financial Modelling with Excel, Financial Analysis, Macroeconomics & Business Analysis
  • Axis 4. Communication and Digitalisation
    • Module: Digitalisation
      • Courses: Communication and Business Relations, Business English, Introduction to Academic Thinking and Writing

Semester 4 – Mobility

A mobility period of at least one semester at a university or college abroad is compulsory. To facilitate this mobility, agreements have been concluded with universities or colleges in Germany, Belgium and France.

Several ERASMUS places are also offered in different European countries according to the agreements in force (Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Lithuania, etc.).

Semester 5 – University of Luxembourg

  • Axis 1: Accounting and Auditing
    • Module: Financial Reporting, Law and Audit
      • Courses: Accounting Law and Financial Reporting, Consolidation of Accounts, Accounting Audit
  • Axis 2: Taxation and Remuneration
    • Module: International Tax Law
      • Course: International Tax Law
    • Module: Remuneration
      • Course: Social Security Law, Remuneration
  • Axis 3. Finance and Strategy
    • Module: Management Techniques and Strategy
      • Courses: Practical Approach to Management Techniques in Excel, Organisational Dashboard and Steering, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Axis 4. Communication and Digitalisation
    • Module: Digitalisation
      • Courses: Information System Management, Digital Transformation in Accounting and Taxation, Practice of an Accounting Software Package
      • + 1 course of your choice: Accounting Review II or Data Analysis or Bank Accounting (Bgestion)
      • + Optional: Personal Branding 

Semester 6 – Internship
A compulsory internship of at least 17 weeks in a company concludes the study programme.


Contact at the Competence Centre:

Emanuela Rossi

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Bachelor en Comptabilité et Fiscalité